City of Rockville Boards and Commissions Task Force met Nov. 28.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board and Commission:
Commissioners Present: Jack Kelly, Jonathan Walker, Lorraine Tarnover, John Becker, Anne Goodman, James Hedrick, Anne Herbster, Steve VanGrack, Benjamin Parry, Anita Powell
Absent: Laurie Gira
I. Convene
II. Welcome
III. Goals and Objectives
Commissioner Kelly provided a draft of the revisions of the Boards and
Commissions Task Force Goals and Objectives for review and comment.
The Board decided to make sure that the document provided clear guidance and a sense of what each of the Boards and Commissions do for the City.
Director of Communications Marylou Berg spoke with the Task Force regarding outreach ideas for the Boards and Commissions Task Force.
Ms. Berg provided several ways to assist with the Task Force as follows: Rockville Reports; web page recommendations; reach out to staff liaison and public; applying for Boards and Commissions; and support with the surveys.
Note: Ms. Berg left the meeting at 7:25pm
IV. Membership
Commissioner Walker recommended to identify concerns with Boards and Commissions nominations. Specific criteria Boards and Commissions diversity, transparency and assessment the process of Mayor and Council nominations.
V. Communication with Existing Boards and Commissions
The Task Force decided that two surveys would be needed for the staff liaisons, and public.
Commissioner Goodman said to make it easy and simple, reach out to members on Boards and Commission and past members.
Chair VanGrack will send an email to communicate to the Mayor and Council regarding assistance with the survey and update on the Task Force progress.
Note: Commissioner Hedrick arrived at 8:00 p.m.
VI. New Boards and Commissions
Commissioner Kelly suggested to review and define the current Boards and Commissions to create and have more of presence in City.
The Task Force added to evaluate criteria, and setup a process for which ones are currently needed.
Chair VanGrack said that he would discourage Mayor and Council as liaison to Boards and Commissions
Commissioner Parry would like to reach out and see what if other municipalities do in the following:
Criteria - Process
Survey – Feedback
MML – other Municipalities
Commissioner Goodman asked the question to the Task Force on how to deal with the political processes and moving forward with the recommendations.
The Commission plans to address the answer as the Task Force continue to review process for appointments, reappointments, recommendation and confirmation process by the Mayor and Council.
VII. Future Meetings
Wednesday, December 12, 2018 (7-8:30 p.m.)
Blacked-Susan Conference Room
Wednesday, December 19, 2018 (7-8:30 p.m.)
Mayor and Council Chambers
VIII. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn
Commissioner Becker made the motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Parry.