Village of Chevy Chase Village Board met September 10.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Note: These minutes reflect the Board’s actions only, and do not include remarks made by members of the Board of Managers, Legal Counsel, Village Staff or others in attendance.
Board of Managers
Elissa A. Leonard, Chair Present
Robert C. Goodwin, Jr., Vice Chair Present
David L. Winstead, Secretary Present
Richard M. Ruda, Assistant Secretary Present
Gary Crockett, Treasurer Absent
Minh Le, Assistant Treasurer Present
Nancy E. Watters, Member Present
Shana R. Davis-Cook, Village Manager Present
Adventino Dasilva, Lieutenant Present
Ellen Sands, Municipal Operations Coordinator Present
Demetri Protos, Finance Director Present
Simone Kolnik, Administrative & Constituent Services Assistant Present
Suellen M. Ferguson, Village Counsel Present
Elissa A. Leonard, Chair of the Board of Managers, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Mr. Winstead arrived at 7:32 p.m. Mr. Ruda arrived at 7:33 p.m. Mr. Crockett was absent.
Approval of Minutes from the Board’s Regular Monthly Meeting: July 9, 2018 Minutes of the Board’s regular monthly meeting held on July 9, 2018 were circulated to the Board prior to the meeting.
Ms. Le moved to approve the minutes of the Board of Managers’ regular monthly meeting held on July 9, 2018, as drafted. Mr. Goodwin seconded the motion. Ms. Leonard, Mr. Goodwin, Ms. Le and Ms. Watters voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Winstead and Mr. Ruda had not yet arrived. The motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report was distributed to the Board and posted to the Village website prior to the meeting. Discussion followed. No formal action was taken by the Board.
Special Permit and Variance Requests
A-7381 (Variance Request)
Ms. Kathleen M. Legg & Mr. Rajib Chanda, 111 East Melrose Street
Construct an expanded front portico, stoop and steps, the steps of which would encroach a maximum of five feet, seven and one-half inches (5’-7 ½”) forward of the twenty-five (25) foot front building restriction line (BRL).
Ms. Le moved to approve the Variance Request in A-7381 on the basis that the evidence presented, including the Staff Report and Case Synopsis, demonstrates that the applicable requirements for approval of the Special Permit have been met. Staff is directed to draft a decision based on this evidence, including findings of fact and conclusions, approving the Variance Request. Mr. Ruda seconded the motion. Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead, Mr. Ruda and Ms. Watters voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
A-7379 (Special Permit Request)
Ms. Kristen N. Tongberg, 5405 Center Street
Maintain a driveway which was widened and which measures a maximum of eleven (11) feet in width in the Center Street public right-of-way.
Mr. Goodwin moved to approve the Special Permit in Case A-7379 on the basis that the evidence presented, including the Staff Report and Case Synopsis, demonstrates that the applicable requirements for approval of the special permit have been met. Staff is directed to draft a decision based on this evidence, including findings of fact and conclusions, approving the special permit. Ms. Le seconded the motion. Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead, Mr. Ruda and Ms. Watters voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
Matters Presented for Board Consideration and Possible Action
Tree Removal Request (retroactive): Montgomery Street Public Right-of-Way adjacent to The Collection at Chevy Chase
Mr. Goodwin moved to direct staff to draft a Resolution approving the removal of seven (7) trees located in the Montgomery Street public right-of-way, pursuant to the reforestation plan submitted for the record. Ms.Watters seconded the motion. Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead, Mr. Ruda and Ms. Watters voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
Improvement Plan: Buffer Area
Ms. Le moved to authorize the Village Manager to install a pedestrian path and bench in the Buffer as proposed by the Parks & Greenspaces Committee, provided that abutting property owners are notified in advance. Mr. Goodwin seconded the motion. Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead, Mr. Ruda and Ms. Watters voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
Extension to the Memorandum of Understanding with the State Highway Administration for the Planting and Maintenance of Trees along Connecticut Ave.
Ms. Watters moved to approve the extension of the Memorandum of Understanding with the State Highway Administration for the planting and maintenance of trees along Connecticut Avenue, provided Village Counsel reviews the final MOU prior to execution. Mr. Goodwin seconded the motion. Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead, Mr. Ruda and Ms. Watters voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
Resolution No. 09-01-18: An Ordinance to amend Chapter 1, “General Provisions”, Sec. 1-9, “Exemption From Montgomery County Legislation” to incorporate by reference in the Village Code Chapter 57 “Weapons” of the Montgomery County Code and to update the Montgomery County Code revision date.
Mr. Winstead moved approve resolution No. 09-01-18 as drafted. Ms. Le seconded the motion. Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead, Mr. Ruda and Ms. Watters voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
Commission & Committee Matters
Election Supervisors
o Board appointment of Mary Sheehan (West Kirke Street) as Chair
o Board appointment of Karen Spangler (Grove Street) as a member to complete the term of Paul Broderick who has resigned, term exp. July 2019
Mr. Ruda moved to appoint Mary Sheehan (West Kirke Street) as Chair for a one year term ending September 2019, and Karen Spangler (Grove Street) as a member to complete the term ending July 2019. Ms. Watters seconded the motion. Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead, Mr. Ruda and Ms. Watters voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
Board Appointment of Chairs/Co-Chairs to Village Committees
o Personnel Commission: Reappointment of Gregory Ossi (Primrose Street) as a member, term exp. September 2021
o Traffic Committee: Philip Webre (Kirkside Drive) as Chair and as a member of the ad hoc Pedestrian Safety Committee
Mr. Ruda moved to reappoint Gregory Ossi (Primrose Street) as a member of the Personnel Commission to serve a three-year term and Philip Webre (Kirkside Drive) as Chair of the Traffic Committee, term ending July 2020, and to serve as a member of the ad hoc Pedestrian Safety Committee. Ms. Le seconded the motion. Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead, Mr. Ruda and Ms. Watters voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
Police Report
The Police Report was distributed to the Board and posted on the Village website prior to the meeting. Discussion followed. No formal action was taken by the Board.
Manager’s Report
The Manager’s Report was circulated to the Board prior to the meeting. No formal action was taken by the Board.
Mr. Goodwin moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Le seconded the motion. Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead, Mr. Ruda and Ms. Watters voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m.