
Montgomery News

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Town of Chevy Chase Centennial Committee met March 12.

Town of Chevy Chase Centennial Committee met March 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

The Town Centennial Committee met at 7:10 pm in the Town Hall.

Members present: Bridget Hartman (chair), Julia Ballenger, Ellen Ericson, Lisa Flores, Barbara Rose, Cathy Slesinger, Kathy Strom, and Ann Wild (secretary).

Since the Committee’s efforts are a work in progress, with changes occurring after each meeting, these minutes are not traditional minutes, but rather a working document on the current state of affairs concerning the efforts of the Committee. In this way, members are kept updated and informed about what is going on.

Projects/Events Discussed by the Committee in Process-

• The April Forecast debuted the Centennial logo, as chosen by the Committee, and featured a full-page announcement of the Centennial itself, which begins on April 10, 2018, along with a description of various events that are on tap at present. The Snipit section, written by Barbara Rose, coupled with a map, explored the history of the expansion of the Town over the yearGardeners were solicited for the Sunday, June 3, Digging into the Next Century Garden Tour; and a call for residents to submit photographs, written stories, and other mementos of life in the Town to be incorporated into the Town Hall exhibit, Chevy Chase on My Mind, was also included. Lisa Flores and Cathy Slesinger have offered to help with this effort. The online Forecast will be feature live links from the history vignettes to the Town of Chevy Chase Past and Present book on the Town website.

• Additional calls for gardeners and solicitation of photos and memories of the Town will go out in Town Criers and on Town Neighbors.

• The Centennial magnet has been printed and will be enclosed in a note card wishing the Town a happy birthday and focusing on the June 3 event. The magnet will be mailed to all Town residents in a special envelope featuring the Centennial logo around April 10.

• The Town Centennial banner has been ordered.

• The Sunday, June 3, event will now include the Garden Tour from 1-4 PM; the trolley, which has been scheduled, making stops along the way also from 1-4 PM; activities for children from 3-4 PM in the Town Hall followed by a wine and cheese kick-off Centennial toast reception from 4-6 PM also in the Town Hall. The Chevy Chase on My Mind exhibit will also be launched at the reception, with items to be added throughout the year. Memories about the Town from residents will also be solicited at the event.

• A request has been made to a former Town resident to accompany the trolley to comment on the history of the Town as the trolley proceeds along its route.

• After some investigation, Town Manager Todd Hoffman has found that the Town entrance signs can feature the Centennial logo and will be installed.

• A Town Centennial birthday cake, as part of the July 4th Picnic and Parade, will be on display at the event and then cut by the Town resident(s) who has lived here the longest. Ellen Ericson is coordinating this effort. A request will be made to Bethesda Beat to cover this event.

• A Centennial time capsule will be created, with its contents and location yet to be determined. Lisa Flores agreed to research next steps.

Projects/Events/Partner Organizations Under Consideration by the Committee-

• The Committee discussed having a Fall Festival featuring such things as a moon bounce for children that might be held at the 4-H Center.

• The Committee discussed the possibility of having middle school and older children interview long-time Town residents.

• A Panel Discussion with long-time Town residents offering their past memories of the Town could be scheduled in fall 2018.

• A possible 3K Run for Town residents (children and adults) as another fall 2018 event to celebrate the Centennial is under consideration.

• Concerning the Lee Dennison Bequest, Kathy Strom is working with the Climate and Environment Committee to investigate what might be done during the Centennial year with this bequest.

• Oral histories of long-time residents. Bridget will investigate what would be necessary to carry out this long-term project: interviewing equipment, script for interviewers, and a transcription service. All this would likely require a request to the Town Council for additional funding.

• Chevy Chase Library, Chevy Chase at Home, Chevy Chase Historical Society, Montgomery County Historical Society, and Chevy Chase Elementary School have been mentioned as possible local organizations that might be helpful to the Town’s Centennial efforts.

The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm.
