Chevy Chase Village Board of Managers met Feb. 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Michael L. Denger, Chair Present
Elissa A. Leonard, Vice Chair Present
David L. Winstead, Secretary Present
Minh Le, Assistant Secretary Present
Gary Crockett, Treasurer Present
Robert C. Goodwin, Jr., Assistant Treasurer Present
Richard M. Ruda, Board Member Present
Shana R. Davis-Cook, Village Manager Present
John M. Fitzgerald, Police Chief Present
Ellen Sands, Municipal Operations Coordinator Present
Demetri Protos, Finance Director Present
Tamu Tucker, Community Liaison/Administrative Assistant Present
Suellen M. Ferguson, Village Counsel Present
Mr. Michael L. Denger, Chair of the Board of Managers, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Crockett arrived at 7:31 p.m.
Approval of Minutes from the Board’s Executive Session: January 8, 2018 Minutes of the Board’s executive session held on January 8, 2018 were circulated to the Board prior to the meeting.
Ms. Le moved to approve the minutes of the Board of Managers’ Executive Session held on January 8, 2018, as drafted. Mr. Winstead seconded the motion. Mr. Denger, Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Ruda, and Mr. Winstead voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. Mr. Crockett had not arrived in time for the vote.
Approval of Minutes from the Board’s Regular Monthly Meeting: January 8, 2018 Minutes of the Board’s regular monthly meeting held on January 8, 2018 were circulated to the Board prior to the meeting.
Ms. Leonard moved to approve the minutes of the Board of Managers’ Regular Monthly Meeting held on January 8, 2018, as drafted. Ms. Le seconded the motion. Mr. Denger, Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Ruda, and Mr. Winstead voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. Mr. Crockett had not arrived in time for the vote.
Treasurer’s Report The Treasurer’s Report was distributed to the Board and posted to the Village website prior to the meeting. Discussion followed. No formal action was taken by the Board.
Consent Agenda—Tree Removal Consent Agreement
A-2366 (Tree Removal Appeal): Ms. Carol Kelleher, 25 Grafton Street Removal of one Black Walnut tree measuring eighteen (18) inches in diameter located in the rear (east) yard of the property.
T here were no requests f rom Board Members to r emove Case A -2366 from the C onsent Agenda. T he Consent Agreement was deemed approv ed.
A-2371 (Tree Removal Appeal): Dr. Gary Adams, 5500 Park Street Removal of one Red Maple tree measuring eighteen (18) inches in diameter located in the side (east) yard of the property to accommodate a proposed addition.
T here were no requests f rom Board Members to r emove Case A -2371 from the C onsent Agenda. T he Consent Agreement was deemed approv ed.
Matters Presented for Board Consideration and Possible Action
Board Consideration of a Request to Modify the Right-of-Way Maintenance Policy for Certain Properties: Mr. and Mrs. C. King Mallory, 17 Magnolia Parkway
Mr. Denger moved to approve the request to modify the Right-of-Way Maintenance Policy to permit the Village to maintain the portion of the public right-of-way located between the sidewalk and the curb when said area exceeds 3,000 square feet, as measured by the Village’s GIS system, upon request by the abutting property owner. Mr. Winstead seconded the motion. Mr. Denger, Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Crockett, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Ruda, and Mr. Winstead voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
Contract/Lease Authorization Request: Contract Extension for Newsletter Printing: American Reprographics Inc.
Ms. Leonard moved to authorize the Village Manager to execute a letter exercising the first of two one-year contract extension options with American Reprographics Inc. for printing of the monthly newsletter. Ms. Le seconded the motion. Mr. Denger, Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Crockett, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead and Mr. Ruda voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
Commission & Committee Matters
ad hoc Pedestrian Safety Committee: Report re: Connecticut Avenue Pedestrian Crossing Mr. Denger moved to authorize the Village Manager to spend up to $5,000 for video production and consulting services in support of the Village’s efforts to secure a three-color signal at the pedestrian crossing on Connecticut Avenue at Lenox Street. Mr. Winstead seconded the motion. Mr. Denger, Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Crockett, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead and Mr. Ruda voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
Building Facilities Commission: Recommended revisions to the Village Hall Regulations
Ms. Le moved to approve the Building Facilities Commission’s recommended revisions to the Village Hall Regulations, as amended to reflect on page 5, bullet #35 that the protective pads must remain on the conference tables at all times. Mr. Crockett seconded the motion. Mr. Denger, Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Crockett, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead and Mr. Ruda voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
Ethics Commission: Board Reappointment of Stuart Gerson (East Irving Street) as a member, term exp. 2/2021.
Mr. Denger moved to reappoint Stuart Gerson (East Irving Street) as a member of the Ethics Commission to serve a 3-year term. Ms. Leonard seconded the motion. Ms. Denger, Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Crockett, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead and Mr. Ruda voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.
Police Report The Police Report was distributed to the Board and posted on the Village website prior to the meeting. Discussion followed. No formal action was taken by the Board.
Manager’s Report The Manager’s Report was circulated to the Board prior to the meeting. No formal action was taken by the Board.
Adjournment Mr. Crockett moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Winstead seconded the motion. Mr. Denger, Ms. Leonard, Ms. Le, Mr. Crockett, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winstead, and Mr. Ruda voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.