Town of Poolesville Town Commissioners met June 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commissioners:
Call To Order:
President Brown called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All commissioners were in attendance, as well as Town Manager Wade Yost.
Pledge Of Allegiance:
Commissioner Klobukowski led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Pazit Aviv, Montgomery County HHS Village Coordinator provided a presentation of a program to involve seniors to assist other seniors and build a village support program. A question and answer period followed the presentation.
Jae Hwang – Candidate for Montgomery County Sheriff addressed the Commissioners and detailed his running platform.
Paul Gellar former PTA leader and candidate for County Council discussed and thanked Commissioner Klobukowski for his leadership in enlisting MML into the challenge of putting a lock box on gambling revenues so that it can only be used for educational purposes.
Commissioner Klobukowski read a letter to Chris Austin in appreciation for his flag box project.
Commissioner Brown discussed the success of the Corporal Bosselman bridge dedication event. He also reported that he had discussed the Poolesville Market with the property management team and the project is moving forward.
Commissioner Dickerson discussed an email she had received from a resident regarding a blocked sidewalk at Tractor Supply.
Open Forum:
Approval Of Minutes:
Commissioner Dickerson moved to approve the minutes of May 21, 2018. Seconded by Commissioner Stump. Motion carried 5- 0.
New Business:
Legislative Priorities-
Commissioner Klobukowski detailed the process needed to take any legislative priorities to MML and through the State representatives.
Old Business:
Town Manager Report:
Manager Yost discussed a meeting with Mr. Willard and his development team regarding acquisition of parkland, sewer smoke testing, WWTP flows and Health benefits.
Committee Reports:
Planning Commission:
Commissioner Stump gave an update on the recent Planning Commission meeting.
Parks Board:
Commissioner Dickerson gave an update on the upcoming Parks Board meeting which will focus on the finding of the sidewalk survey.
Events Committee:
Commissioner Radigan gave a report on Poolesville Day proposal for bicycle and float contest and a potential grant for prize money.
School Liaison:
Commissioner Klobukowski announced school graduation dates.
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Klobukowski, seconded by Commissioner Dickerson. Motion passed 5-0.