Town of Poolesville Town Commissioners met June 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commissioners:
Call To Order:
President Brown called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All commissioners were in attendance.
Pledge Of Allegiance:
Commissioner Klobukowski led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Briefing was given by Mr. David Miller of the Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation and Calen Cheatham/FFA Board Member on what a possible Agricultural Curriculum (Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) could consist of at Poolesville High School, and how it would benefit the school, community, and state. Mr. Miller said that he was willing to work with us to help establish a curriculum at PHS. Mr. Miller mentioned that he had approached Ms. Deena Levine/PHS Principal about such a curriculum at PHS; however, it was not pursued by the school.
Rose Krasnow addressed the Commissioners and audience regarding her candidacy
Commissioner Klobukowski, as requested by Dale Nester, informed the Commissioners that the Poolesville Order of the Odd Fellows Lodge requested to place a patriotic mural on the side of their building at the corner of Fisher Avenue and Elgin Road. Commissioner Klobukowski informed the Commissioners that this had come up once before and what they had proposed violated the Town’s Sign Ordinance, specifically its size, and they wanted to place the Odd Fellows name and Lodge number on it.
Next meeting on 9 July and only if there is pressing business on 23 July.
It was mentioned that Commissioners Dickerson and Klobukowski attended the Maryland Municipal League Convention at Ocean City. As President of the Montgomery County Chapter, Commissioner Klobukowski hosted the annual Montgomery County Chapter Dinner, which was also attended by Maryland’s Comptroller Peter Franchot and Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker, both of whom spoke at the dinner.
Open Forum:
Approval Of Minutes:
Commissioner Dickerson moved to approve the minutes of June 4, 2018. Seconded by Commissioner Stump. Motion carried 5-0.
New Business:
Old Business:
Town Manager Report
Committee Reports:
Planning Commission:
Commissioner Stump gave an update on the recent Planning Commission meeting. Dunkin Donuts has received county approval of their storm water management plan and the PC made some minor changes to their plan.
Parks Board:
Commissioner Dickerson gave an update on the Parks Board who are working on prioritizing the sidewalks and whether they should be installed/replaced based on whether there is currently a sidewalk along a particular street and the condition of an existing sidewalk. No date by when this effort would be completed was given.
Events Committee:
Commissioner Radigan gave a report on their first Octoberfest planning meeting.
School Liaison:
Commissioner Klobukowski discussed to further illustrate the point that what we are asking for in a multi-use facility (i.e., high school, community center, and police substation is not something new or out of the ordinary, Commissioner Dickerson talked about presentation at the summer MML Conference which mentioned Swampscott High School in Massachusetts, where they have a combined high school and senior/community center.
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Klobukowski, seconded by Commissioner Dickerson. Motion passed 5-0.