Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Inc. (HASI:NYQ) was the highest Real Estate Investment Trusts company headquartered in Maryland on Oct. 28.
The judges present were Paul Suplee, who operates award-winning restaurant Boxcar 40 in Berlin, MD, and is a professor in the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Hospitality Management program. And Adam Greenberg, who is the president and founder of Restaurant Zone Inc, which runs Potomac Pizza, Potomac Village Deli Village Catering, and Bagels 'n Grinds.
A property at 15401 Short Ridge Ct. was sold on Oct. 26 by Warren L. Rev Derrick (trustee) (and others) for $415,000. The buyers were David L. Vanderhart.
Any ASHP pharmacy technician member may submit, and resumes/CVs will be assigned to volunteer reviewers who are seasoned members dedicated to providing quality feedback. Deadline to submit interest is December 1, and the virtual review period is December 21-January 31.