In this recent podcast episode, faculty from our Summer Meeting symposium on COVID-19 in the immunocompromised population discuss new information and recommendation updates that have occurred since their initial presentation.
The Mayor and Council adopted a resolution that will amend the city’s charter to increase the number of elected councilmembers from four to six, one of the recommendations to come from a review of Rockville’s charter by the Charter Review Commission.
The hard work and dedication they put in throughout the season have translated nicely on gameday. Coach "B" and Coach Fife are extremely proud of you all and cannot wait to see you compete next season.
Visit to find the city’s African-American Heritage Walking Tour story map, explore Rockville 11's Black History Month YouTube playlist at and stay tuned for our livestream at the end of the month!
As promised, the Town of Poolesville has created and posted a "Request for Proposal" (RFP) to solicit competitive sealed proposals from qualified contractors which have experience in providing municipal residential trash, recyclables, and yard waste (i.e., refuse) collection services.
The free poetry reading, which will be held at the Takoma Park Community Center, will feature local poets Amy L. Bernstein, Tara Campbell, David Ebenbach, and Margaret Flaherty. Slava Konoval also will share some of his poetry about the war in Ukraine in a video.
View the attached flyer for more information or visit the Center for Student Engagement and Financial Resources (CSEF) office in Building III to learn more.