City of Rockville Development Review Committee met October 25.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
9:00 a.m. Proposed Redevelopment of 1530 East Jefferson Street
Requested Meeting Max Gross, Edge CRE
10:00 a.m. Application: PAM2019-00117
Pre-application Meeting Location: 107 South Washington Street (Christ Episcopal School)
Zoning: R-90, Single Unit Detached Dwelling, Restricted Residential
Planning Area: #4, West End – Woodley Gardens East / West
Description: Pre-application submittal for a proposed school
building on an undeveloped portion of the Christ Episcopal School
Project Manager: Cas Chasten, CPDS
11:00 a.m. Application: STP2018-00357
Staff Meeting Location: 735 Monroe Street (Fireside Park Apartments)
Zoning: RMD-25, Residential Medium Density
Planning Area: #3, Hungerford, Lynfield and New Mark Commons
Description: Minor site plan amendment for building rehabilitation,
site improvements and utility service upgrades at the existing
Fireside Park Apartment complex
Project Manager: Margaret Hall, CPDS