City of Gaithersburg Planning Commission will meet Sept. 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the Commission:
1. Call To Order
2. Approval Of Minutes
3. Record Plats
4. Consent
A. AFP-7812-2018: 629 Center Point Way, final architecture for a new theater tenant in the MXD (Mixed Use Development) Zone, Amendment To Final Site Plan
5. Sign Permits
A. SIGN-17354-2018 and SIGN-17355-2018: Nestle Toll House Cafe, 11 Arch Place, Icon Sign Approval in the MXD (Mixed Use Development) Zone
6. Recommendations To Board Of Appeals
A. BOA-7953-2018: Special Exception for a family daycare facility up to twelve children at 15 Redding Ridge Drive in the R-90 (Medium Density Residential) Zone.
7. Recommendations To Mayor And City Council
A. SDP-7974-2018: Schematic Development Plan for 14.95 Acre City Park (Discovery Park) at 601 Orchard Ridge Drive in the Mixed Use Development (MXD) Zone;
B. X-7969-2018: Becraft Properties Annexation of approximately 1.8 acres of land to the City of Gaithersburg located at 212, 216, and 220 East Deer Park Drive and 309 Central Avenue in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The application requests a reclassification of the subject property from Montgomery County's R-200 Zone to the City of Gaithersburg's R-A Zone. Recommendation To Mayor And City Council
8. Public Hearings
A. ASDP-7895-2018: Washingtonian and Rio Centers, allow private education as a permitted use for the property located in the MXD (Mixed Use Development) zone, Amendment To Schematic Development Plan
9. Site Plans
A. AFP-7881-2018: Washingtonian and Rio Centers, allow private education as a permitted use for the property located in the MXD (Mixed Use Development) zone, Amendment To Final Site Plan
B. AFP-7983-2018: 431 East Diamond Avenue, parking waiver request for three (3) Spaces located in the CBD (Central Business District) Zone, Amendment To Final Site Plan
C. AFP-7951-2018: 83 Bureau Drive- Exterior building renovations and minor site improvements and minor site improvements for the McDonald's located at 83 Bureau Drive in the C-2 (General Commercial) Zone. Amendment To Final Site Plan
D. AFP-7812-2018: 16 South Summit Avenue, satisfy conditions of approval and minor site plan revisions for proposed Gaithersburg Police Station in the CBD (Central Business District) Zone, Amendment To Final Site Plan
10. From Commission
11. From Staff
12. Adjournment