Town of Barnesville Town met April 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the Town:
• Meeting called to order at 7:30
• 16 people were present
• The March meeting minutes were presented and approved.
• Financial Review – Audrey presented last month’s financial reports.
Beautification: - Lisa Hilton encouraged people to come out and help clean up the streets of Barnesville on Sunday 1-4 for Earth Day.
Alternative Energy/Green: -The Commissioners are putting together a proposal to obtain rolling recycling bins for paper products to be included in the budget for the next fiscal year.
Board of Appeals: Nothing to report.
Capital Improvements: A meeting was held between the County, the Contractor who will be installing the sidewalks, Doug Lohmyer (the town’s consultant), Holly Larisch and Jane Thompson to review the location of the alternative material. The arborist, who was not able to attend the meeting, provided a picture to the County indicating where the alternative material will be placed. The Commissioners mentioned that the material is darker than concrete, but should lighten over time. The Commissioners will provide a link for people showing the material once this is confirmed by County.
A contract has been signed to repair the guardrail.
Commissioners are obtaining quotes for grooming of tree in the center of the corner lot at the intersection of Rte. 109 and Barnesville Road.
Traffic Calming/Safety-Jim Brown gave an update. Streethawk issued 33 tickets from April 1 to date. All action on stop signs is halted until State Highway Administration conducts Q and A. A queuing study will be done by the State (simulation) to determine whether backups are likely. The SHA will provide a presentation based on this study to show us the effect of stop signs and then open the floor up for discussion.
Jim Brown stated that the Traffic Committee requested smaller mobile speed cameras from the County, even though we had been turned down once. The county’s consultant previously told us that even if approved we would only have use of new cameras for about two months a year.
Speed limit : Jim Brown mentioned that the SHA turned down our request to have 25 mph speed limit. A town resident mentioned that the speed limit should be the same throughout town. At some point, the speed limit goes up to 40 mph within town limits.
Streethawk continues to provide coverage for children getting on school buses in the morning.
Planning and Zoning: - Cynthia Jennings Field has joined the Planning Commission as the fifth member. A meeting will be scheduled to start work on reviewing the Master Plan. Funds will be budgeted in FY19 for Master Plan review.
Permits and Applications: -
Event Committee: The Event Committee is planning to show Beauty and the Beast in the early summer. A local business has agreed to buy pizza.
Town Hall: The town is awaiting approval from the State of Maryland Historic Trust of our application for chimney repair. The Historic Trust has an easement on the exterior of the town hall; and, after their inspection last November, requested information regarding several improvements that had not received approval from them such as parking lot and path paving and enclosure around generator and other equipment. We are waiting for their ruling on whether those items can remain. We will obtain bids to paint the town hall exterior in the upcoming year.
New Business:
Commissioners were informed about a noisy party the previous Saturday night where police were summoned due to a disturbance in the road. Ultimately no action was necessary. There was also discussion about several properties that have sold in town. A church purchased one of the lots on the Pritchard property. A church is a permitted use for the lot but the church will be required to meet the site requirements established in the town ordinances as well as all applicable county building code requirements.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:24.,%202018%20Meeting%20Minutes.pdf