Capitol Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers
Recent News About Capitol Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers
DC doctor: ‘By not using our nasal passages we just start to mouth breathe’
Mouth breathing, the habit of breathing through your mouth rather than your nose, is an unpleasant side effect of sinus problems and can cause several health issues. According to Dr. Manish Khanna of Capitol Breathe Free, breathing properly is very important.
DC doctor: Breathing in dust ‘can lead to a sinus infection’
The holiday season can be an especially difficult time for allergy sufferers, as travel, stress, and even Christmas decorations can lead to worse allergic reactions. According to Dr. Manish Khanna of Capitol Breathe Free, even something as simple as dust can lead to sinus issues.
Capitol Breathe Free warns of potential impact from barometric changes from hurricane season on east coast
Capitol Breathe Free is warning about the impacts that barometric pressure changes can have on patients, especially as hurricane season continues to impact the country's east coast.
Woodbridge doctor: ‘Sinuses, allergies and ear problems all go hand in hand’
Eustachian tube dysfunction is a condition that affects the inner ear, causing hearing issues, ear pressure, and other related symptoms. According to Dr. Stephen Bane of Capitol Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers, the eustachian tube is an important part of your sinuses.
Woodbridge doctor: ‘Balloon sinuplasty procedure is safer, it works better and there's less recovery’
Balloon sinuplasty is a safe, minimally invasive procedure commonly offered by surgeons to treat chronic sinusitis. According to Dr. Stephen Bane of Capitol Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers, balloon sinuplasty is a straightforward and manageable procedure for patients.
DC doctor: Sinusitis ‘can affect the sense of taste’
The loss of taste and smell are two of the most noticeable symptoms that can come from chronic sinusitis. According to Dr. Manish Khanna of Capitol Breathe Free, sinusitis can cause dryness of the mouth, potentially leading to a loss of taste.
DC doctor: ‘You want to treat the sinus so that the headache goes away’
Sinus headaches are a common symptom of sinusitis and can become quite debilitating. According to Dr. Manish Khanna of Capitol Breathe Free, sinus headaches will go away when the sinus issues are treated.
Woodbridge doctor: ‘People who have allergies frequently have asthma’
May marks National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month, underscoring the interconnectedness between asthma, allergies, and sinus health in patients. According to Dr. Stephen Bane of Capitol Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers, sinusitis, allergies, and asthma are all part of the same chain.
DC doctor: Inflammation can ‘lead to a sinus infection’
Inflammation of the sinuses is one of the key indicators of chronic sinusitis, a condition that affects many Americans. According to Dr. Manish Khanna of Capitol Breathe Free, allergies can cause inflammation and possibly serious sinus infections.
Woodbridge doctor: ‘Early intervention in sinusitis will take care of the problem faster’
Sinus infections, also called sinusitis, are common medical conditions that can become more serious the longer they go untreated. Dr. Stephen Bane of Capitol Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers said early intervention is key when treating sinusitis.
DC doctor: 'Sinus headaches are a referred pain caused by inflammation and blockage of the sinus cavity'
If you're grappling with headaches, they could be stemming from sinus congestion. Dr. Manish Khanna of Capitol Breathe Free said the key to treating a sinus headache is to treat the sinuses themselves.
DC doctor: 'When the eustachian tube gets inflamed, it doesn't function as well'
If you're dealing with ear pain, trouble hearing, or the feeling of your ears being clogged, you might be dealing with eustachian tube dysfunction. Dr. Manish Khanna of Capitol Breathe Free said eustachian tubes connect to both our ears and nasal passages, so sinus treatment can help to improve their functionality.
D.C. sinus doctor says dryness in the mouth can 'affect the sense of taste'
Sinusitis can be a problem for more than just your sinuses. Dr. Manish Khanna of Capitol Breathe Free said sinusitis can lead to dryness in the mouth, which can then alter your sense of taste.
DC doctor says sinus 'inflammation' can take on a multitude of variations
Sinusitis refers to anything that might cause inflammation in the sinuses. Dr. Manish Khanna of Capitol Breathe Free said that sinus inflammation can lead to sleep problems, increased blood sugar, and headaches.
DC doctor: 'Chronic sinus issues and recurring sinus issues can trigger asthma exacerbations'
Sinusitis, in whatever form it may be, can lead to a plethora of different issues, including asthma.
Washington doctor: 'There's a significant portion of men who have sinusitis who also have erectile dysfunction'
Studies have shown that men who struggle with sinus issues are 50% more likely to be impotent.
Washington doctor: (Eustachian tube balloon dilation is) 'a more natural fix with minimal downtime'
Eustachian tubes are responsible for regulating ear pressure and draining fluid from the middle ear.
COO of National Breathe Free: 'At the heart of our practices is an ethos of clinical excellence'
National Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers recently presented Lukas Williams and Tiffany Whitehead with the Lauren Campbell award during its third-annual National Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers Clinical Educational Convention, which was held June 21 to 25 in Miami.
D.C. doctor: 'Asthma, allergies and sinusitis are a continuum'
One of the main triggers of sinusitis is allergies, and summer allergies are right around the corner.
Local doctor on sinusitis: 'It can raise blood pressure and that is a risk factor for stroke'
Sinusitis sufferers could be at risk for heart disease if they don't seek treatment.